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What Your Dog is Thinking: The Science Behind Your Dog's Behaviour and How to Improve It

Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Danny Wells

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Cognitive science, Neurosciences, Dogs as pets, Dog obedience & training

Explores the latest in canine psychology, revealing fascinating insights into how our dogs think and how we can strengthen our unique bond with them. A rare blend of cutting edge neuroscience and practical training advice.

Does your dog feel guilty when it is caught misbehaving? Can your dog sense when you're upset? Does your dog really love you?

Written by a leading dog trainer and a neuroscientist, What Your Dog Is Thinking reveals the answers to these questions and more using the latest cutting-edge research from neuroscience, psychology and other life sciences to bust common myths about dogs and their relationship with people.

As well as providing fascinating insights into canine psychology, What Your Dog Is Thinking contains practical take-home tips for dog owners to improve the way they interact with their dogs. This is the definitive book for anyone who wants to understand their dog and strengthen their unique bond.

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