'I should tell you, Dear Reader, that I would never have run away, nor joined the crew of the 'Rattlesnake', nor gutted a hammerhead shark, nor eaten the brains of a cuscus, nor been captured by head-hunters, had it not been for the cold-blooded cruelty of my Aunt Bertha.'
This is the first book in the gripping Sam Silverthorne trilogy.In the spring of 1891, thirteen-year-old Sam Silverthorne is left in the care of his heartless Aunt Bertha as his father, Sir Arthur Silverthorne, Ornithologist to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, sets out on an expedition to find the infamous silver bird of paradise. But when Sir Arthur disappears without a trace, Sam runs away and embarks on a journey to find him.
Nothing could prepare Sam for the dangerious, violent and unpredictable world that awaits him and the search for his father quickly becomes a fight for his own life.
GARY CREW is Professor of Creative Writing at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. He has won the Children's Book Council of Australia's Book of the Year four times and his readers have come to expect shadowy, surprising, incredible stories that must be read, and read again.
STEVEN WOOLMAN (1969-2004) completed a degree in Design and Illustration at the University of South Australia in 1990 and was always fascinated by bizarre fantasy. For the illustrations in The Watertower, his fifth published book, he used a combination of acrylic paint and chalk and pencil on black paper.