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Kate Marsh

PROFESSOR JENNIE BRAND-MILLER, PHD, one of the world's leading authorities on carbohydrates and the glycemic index, has championed the glycemic index approach to nutrition for over two decades. Professor of Nutrition at the University of Sydney and the President of the Nutrition Society of Australia, Brand-Miller was recently awarded Australia's prestigious ATSE Clunies Ross Award for her commitment to advancing science and technology. PROFESSOR NADIR FARID, MBBS, FRCP (C), FACP, is an internationally recognized investigative and clinical endocrinologist. He lives in London. DR KATE MARSH, a dietitian who has coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes, has recently completed a study into low-GI eating and women who have PCOS, a condition which makes it difficult for women to conceive. She has co-authored two other books on low-GI eating.

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