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Kathryn Sollmann

For 15 years Kathryn Sollmann has been a recognized leader in helping women navigate the many stages of work and life while juggling two major caregiving roles-for children and aging parents. Through Kathryn's entrepreneurial venture, 9 Lives for Women, a blog and coaching practice, she has moved theconversation away from merely the pros and cons of work vs. motherhood to a more significant one: firmly establishing the link between work and a woman's ability to achieve long-term financial security. Her emphasis on women's financial independence has generated event-sponsorship funding from corporate wealth-management giants, including AXA Advisors, Fidelity, Raymond James, Cigna and Wells Fargo. With good humour, no-nonsense delivery, and a unique ability to educate and motivate, Kathryn is a frequent speaker, seminar leader, and inspirational voice for women in all work and life stages.

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