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The Little Book of Mother's Love: The Most Powerful Force on Earth

No Author Provided, Orange Hippo!

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Sociology: family & relationships, Family & relationships, Intergenerational relationships, Advice on parenting, Gift books

The Little Book of Mother's Love celebrates the unconditional affection a mother feels for her family.

A celebration of the most powerful force on earth.

A mother's love is like no other - both fierce and quiet, strong and gentle, demanding and selfless, incredibly complicated and yet also the most simple thing on earth. It changes form and takes a new shape as her children grow and take their own steps into the world, and yet through all these variables it is always... there, unrelenting and eternal. And, as overprotective as they can oftentimes be, a mother can always be counted upon to offer comfort and consolation. Their love is the safe haven we return to no matter how old we are.

This little book is a celebration of that love, and alongside the sage sayings and words of wisdom, you will find a treasure trove of some of the things only a mother would say to her children. And while we all know that "I want doesn't get", if you wish to delight in the sacred bond you share with your own mum, or simply feel inspired while on your own motherhood journey, this is the book for you.

"A mother's love liberates." Maya Angelou

"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." Agatha Christie

"When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this Earth." Mitch Albom

Things only mums do: Turn up at your front door with tissues, medicine, soup and snacks after they heard you sniff (once) on the phone earlier that day.
Thanks, Mum, but you do know I'm 28 years old, right...?

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