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Wimer Hazenberg

Wimer Hazenberg: Graduated in Artificial Intelligence at the RUG in 2007. Co-founded web design agency Booreiland in 2003. Also co-started meta products in 2008, an extra discipline within Booreiland, involving the so-called tactile web (consumer products connected to the web).

Menno Huisman: Studied Industrial Design Engineering. Or in more common terms, product design. Co-founder and Creative Director at Booreiland.

Sara Cordoba Rubino was born in Mexico City and did a bachelor in Industrial Design at the Universidad AutA noma Metropolitana. In The Netherlands she did a master's degree in Strategic Product Design at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology. Now, Sara applies these skills at Dutch design studio Booreiland as researcher and project manager.

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