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  • Laurence King Publishing

The Book of the Tree: Trees in Art

Angus Hyland, Kendra Wilson

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Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & , Botanical art

A beautiful and informative gift book of depictions of trees in art

The Book of the Tree is a celebration of trees in art featuring works by some of the world's leading artists, photographers and illustrators.

"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way." William Blake

From stately old oaks to beautiful forests and woods, trees have provided a source of inspiration for artists throughout history.

This charming gift book presents a selection of some of the most beautiful artworks inspired by trees. Interspersed throughout the illustrations are short texts about the artists and their interest in particular trees, from Egon Shiele's delicate watercolours of chestnut trees, to Rousseau's exotic forests, Claire Cansick's vivid woodlands and Hockney's tree-lined groves.

The Book of the Tree presents a wonderful collection of arboreal art that revels in the enduring beauty of our trees, woodlands and forests. It is the perfect gift for art-lovers, tree-lovers and nature-lovers.

More books in the series:

The Book of the Flower by Angus Hyland and Kendra Wilson (9781786272454)
The Book of the Bird by Angus Hyland and Kendra Wilson (9781780677507)
The Book of the Dog by Angus Hyland and Kendra Wilson (9781780676562)
The Book of the Cat by Angus Hyland and Caroline Roberts (9781786270719)
The Book of the Horse by Angus Hyland and Caroline Roberts (9781786272928)

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