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Generation Zombie: The new essential guide to why screens and devices are harming our children and what we can do about it

Dr Charlotte Armitage

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Media studies, Child & developmental psychology, Digital lifestyle, Coping with personal problems, Teenagers: advice for parents, Popular psychology

A conversation-changing book for parents and anyone anxious about the impact of devices on our children

'It is never too late to make changes and put things right. If we recognise the problem of device use, we can regain control of our families and allow our children to grow up as they should.' Dr Charlotte Armitage

Many theories that form the bedrock of good parenting were created decades before devices even existed - they don't consider the significant impact on a child's psychological and physical development. The landscape of the early years has changed so quickly, yet parents and caregivers do not have access to the evidence-based, practical advice they need to manage this invasion of screens. They can see their children become addicted to devices, but don't know what to do. Generation Zombie will fill this knowledge gap.

Through her clinical work as a psychotherapist, work with schools and as a duty of care psychologist, Dr Charlotte Armitage has witnessed the terrifying impact of screen time on her clients and their families. However, unlike other addictions, the harmful consequences of devices are not widely recognised. With the vital insights in her book - including practical tips and engaging case studies - her mission is hopeful and empowering; to enable parents to make a positive change. Away from devices, you will be amazed how quickly you notice children's behaviour change.

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