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  • Hodder & Stoughton

Women Remembered: Jesus' Female Disciples

Helen Bond, Joan Taylor

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Regional & national history, Ancient history: to c 500 CE, Feminism & feminist theory

Inspired by their popular Channel 4 documentary, two professors-turned-detectives sift through biblical texts and popular beliefs to uncover the real stories of Jesus' female disciples

Do you think that Jesus only surrounded himself with men? Think again.

Inspired by their popular Channel 4 documentary Jesus' Female Disciples, historians Helen Bond and Joan Taylor explore the way in which Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary, Martha and a whole host of other women - named and unnamed - have been remembered by posterity, noting how many were silenced, tamed or slurred by innuendo - though occasionally they get to slay dragons. Women Remembered looks at the representation of these women in art, and the way they have been remembered in inscriptions and archaeology. And of course they dig into the biblical texts, exposing misogyny and offering alternative and unexpected ways of appreciating these women as disciples, apostles, teachers, messengers and church-founders.

At a time when both the church and society more widely are still grappling with the full inclusion and equality of women, this is a must-read for anyone interested in the historical and cultural origins of Christianity.

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