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  • Welbeck Publishing
  • Welbeck

Victory in Europe: From D-Day to the Destruction of the Third Reich, 1944-1945

Julian Thompson

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European history, Second World War, Armed conflict

A graphic account of the final eleven months of the Second World War.

Celebrate the 80th anniversary of VE Day in this fully illustrated insight into the final months of the Second World War.

From the long-awaited opening of the second front in the West on D-Day, 6 June 1944, to the final surrender of Germany on 8 May 1945, the Allied armies in north-west Europe under the supreme command of Eisenhower fought a gruelling series of battles against Axis forces hardened by years of war and desperate to defend their homeland from destruction.

Written by a leading military historian, Julian Thompson, Victory in Europe contains 30 facsimile items of Second World War reproduced throughout the book. Re-live this momentous period of history through maps, diaries, letters, sketches, secret memos and reports, posters and labels all sourced from the archives of the Imperial War Museums.

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