A commonsense, family-friendly guide to newborn, baby and toddler sleep from birth to five years old from a highly experienced sleep specialist (known to her satisfied clients as The Sleep Lady). A book to help you put baby and toddler sleep problems behind you.
Getting a young child to go to sleep and stay asleep is one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. Yet many parents resign themselves to enduring years of exhaustion. Now there is a sensible, smarter alternative, a no cry sleep method, that really works.
Kim West, know to her clients as The Sleep Lady, has developed a practical, easy to follow and effective sleep training approach that is gentle on both parent and child. The Sleep Lady Method - including a gentle, practical, step-by-step programme called The Sleep Lady Shuffle - has worked for hundreds of families. Whether you want to start to gently shape your baby's sleep habits or address specific sleep problems, this book will give you the answers you need, the confidence to put them into action, and the good night's sleep you all deserve!
Kim West is a mother of two and has been a licensed practising child and family therapist for over fifteen years. Known as 'The Sleep Lady' by her clients, she has helped thousands of tired parents to gently teach their babies and children how to go to sleep and how to stay asleep. For more information, visit Kim's website www.sleeplady.com.