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  • John Murray Learning

Glow In The Dark: How Sharing Your Personal Story Can Transform Your Business and Change Your Life

Mark Leruste

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Entrepreneurship, Business communication & presentation, Self-help & personal development, Advice on careers & achieving success

Feeling like an imposter doesn't mean you are one. This book will change the way you see yourself.

Imposter syndrome is a term that all but the most overconfident of us will recognise. Acknowledging self doubt and uncertainty needn't imply weakness, and the urge to question one's own position and opinion is a necessary step to being thoughtful and thorough. That said, a lot of people spend a lot of time worrying about being underqualified, unenlightened or just a fraud or phony - when they could otherwise be getting on with doing great work.

This book, by a self-confessed 'Imposter'- Mark Leruste - is a wake up call for everyone tired of feeling that way and ready stopholding themselves back fromcreating a positive change in the world. It will show you how to stand out from the crowd if the idea ofstanding out in the first place terrifies you, and will serve as a constant reminder that you are not alone, have much to offer the world, and can start correcting your negative thought-patterns right away.

The louder the world gets, the quieter we become. The quieter we become, the harder it is to make an impact, especially if we have something important to say, sell or share. This book will help readers face down their feelings of being an 'imposter' and provide them with a practical guide to becoming more visible, enabling them to overcome their fears and resistance whenever they next arise.

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