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Getting Ready to Start School

Netmums, Hilary Pereira, Hollie Smith

3 Reviews

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Prose: non-fiction, Education, School/community relations & school/home relations, Advice on parenting, Child care & upbringing

Starting school is one of the major landmarks in a child's life, this book includes all the information parents needs to give their child the best possible start.

GETTING READY TO START SCHOOL covers everything from choosing and applying for primary schools, to preparing your child in order to making their transition as smooth as possible, to what to expect once they get there, including the impact on parents, as they adapt to the politics of the school gate and to life fitting round the school days and terms.

With input from childcare professionals, and experienced teachers, the book includes detail of what you can expect educationally and socially for your child, and how school has changed in the twenty, thirty or forty years since they were at school. It tells you how to prepare your child, including getting used to routines, what the school will expect your child to be able to do and helping them to make friends. It includes valuable advice on how to manage on the all-important first day, giving lots of suggestions from parents who have been there on how to ease the separation and making sure they'll be eager to go back the next day!

GETTING READY TO START SCHOOL is the only book a parent will need to plan their child's first step into education and get them off to a happy start.

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Praise for Getting Ready to Start School

  • 'Netmums is a wonderful source of information and support' - Fern Britton

  • 'Netmums has grown into a national institution' - Daily Telegraph

  • 'Netmums is the new Mothers' Union' - The Sunday Times

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