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  • Little, Brown US

In The Province Of Saints

Thomas O'Malley

Write Review

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Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

An unforgettable first novel that packs a punch about a young boy growing up in rural Ireland in the shadow of a dark secret.

The Irish countryside of the late 1970s is a place still haunted by folklore and legend, by ghosts who rise from the fields on misty nights, and by old secrets and even older hatreds. Michael, a shy, quiet boy, grows up among the whispers and feuds of his small community, little suspecting that his own family is caught up in one of its darkest stories.
But when a neighbor dies suddenly and mysteriously, Michael cannot ignore the rumors that link his own father to the dead woman. Searching for answers, Michael learns that none of those he loves are quite what they seem. And he discovers that becoming a man means that the choice between love and abandonment, loyalty and betrayal, survival and death, is not as easy as he once believed.

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