The Music Thinking Jam Cards contain inspirations from the big world of music for business, society and yourself. The card set consist of 38 inspiration cards and six cue cards. All inspiration cards have a keyword, a key visual, a trigger question, an inspirational quote, a link to a musical piece on Spotify and six cues that connect with the 6 cues of the Music Thinking Framework (shortly explained in the booklet). Music Thinking is the quest for the ultimate remix of empathy & strategy, plan & performance, thoughtfulness & playfulness, inspiration & transpiration, business & the arts. But first of all, it is a mentality in meaningful collaboration. There is no right way to have a jam card session, you can use them individually or with a group of people.
Improvise like a jazz musician and just flip through the cards. Find the card that is most interesting, exciting, disturbing or boring. What does this mean to you?
Play like a DJ and explore, make combinations and find the right collection that could be a latent need of your audience.
Think like a composer and start with one of the 6 cue cards. What is the most important starting point for you or your team? Find inspiration cards that contain this cue. Connect another cue.