The final instalment in this native American quest adventure. Young warrior, Four Winds, and his spirit horse, Silver Cloud, must journey across burning desert and face a terrifying battle with evil bear spirit, Bad Heart.
The young warrior, Four Winds, has battled hard to complete two of the three quests set for him by Ghost Horse, in order to save his tribe. He has defeated his old enemy, Snake Eye, and had a joyful reunion with his long lost mother, Shining Star. But evil forces are gathering under the rule of Anteep. Snake Eye's 'Wild Dogs' have regrouped and The Comanches seek revenge for the death of their chief. So, before he can begin his final journey to fetch a breath of wind from the furthest ocean, Four Winds must stay on the snow-bound slopes and fight a desperate battle. But even if he and his spirit horse, Silver Cloud, can survive the final quest, they will still have to face Bad Heart - a savage bear spirit, and the most powerful and brutal of all Four Winds' adversaries . . .
Born and brought up in Harrogate, Yorkshire, Jenny Oldfield went on to study English at Birmingham University, where she did research on the BrontA Novels and on Children's Literature. She then worked as a teacher, before deciding to concentrate on writing. She writes novels for both children and adults and, when she can escape from her desk, likes to spend time outdoors. She loves the countryside and enjoys walking, gardening, playing tennis, riding and travelling with her two daughters, Kate and Eve.