Former earthman Tarl Cabot has been struggling to free himself from the cruel control of the Priest-Kings of Gor to no avail. As he pits his strength against such a formidable enemy, a terrible beast appears from the mysterious northern lands, bearing a token of the demise of Tarl's once-beloved woman Talena. The missive is a sign of defiance and disrespect from his enemies, meant to humiliate him and force him to challenge them in response. To gird his weapons and set out on a mission of vengeance against those who sent the beasts means Tarl must jeopardize his fortune and position as a wealthy slave merchant. But he is no longer practical and calm as he was on earth. He must conform to the social codes of Gor, where the only way one can avenge wounded manhood is to respond with all one's might!
John Norman is creator of the Gorean Saga, a series of novels spanning dozens of titles that began in 1967 with TARNSMAN OF GOR and that are considered to be cult classics. He has also produced a three-installment fictional series, Telnarian Histories, plus two other fiction works and a nonfiction paperback entitled IMAGINATIVE SEX. He continues to write new novels in the Gorean saga, notably WITNESS OF GOR (2002) and PRIZE OF GOR (2008), both published by E-Reads. At Gor Chronicles, a web site specially created for his tremendous fan following, one may read everything there is to know about this unique fictional culture.
Mr. Norman was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1931. He is married and has three children.