Hodder & Stoughton
Hodder Faith
Hodder Faith
Hodder Faith
Internationally acclaimed thought-leader Jonathan Sacks demonstrates how we can build a strong collective morality for the modern era.
We are living through a period of cultural climate change. We have outsourced morality to the markets on the one hand, and the state on the other. The markets have brought wealth to many, and the state has done much to contain the worst excesses of inequality, but neither is capable of bearing the moral weight of showing us how to live.
This has had a profound impact on society and the way in which we interact with each other. Traditional values no longer hold, yet recent political swings show that modern ideals of tolerance have left many feeling rudderless and adrift. In this environment we see things fall apart in unexpected ways - toxic public discourse makes true societal progress almost unattainable, a more divisive society is fuelled by identity politics and extremism, and the rise of a victimhood mentality calls for 'safe spaces' but stifles debate. The influence of social media seems all-pervading and the breakdown of the family is only one result of the loss of social capital. Many fear what the future may hold.
Delivering a devastatingly insightful critique of our modern condition, and assessing its roots and causes from the ancient Greeks through the Reformation and Enlightenment to the present day, Sacks argues that there is no liberty without morality, and no freedom without responsibility.
If we care about the future of western civilisation, all of us must play our part in rebuilding our common moral foundation. Then we will discover afresh the life-transforming and counterintuitive truths that a nation is strong when it cares for the weak, and rich when it cares for the poor.
Here is an inspiring vision of a world in which we can all find our place, and face the future without fear.
Jonathan Sacks is one of the great moral thinkers of our time. His latest book, Morality, applies his powerful approach to the unprecedented challenges of our time - social, political, economic, and above all, cultural. May his words be heeded throughout the land.
Sacks unpacks a whole litany of dystopian trends arising from our relentless preoccupation with me, me, me - Premier Christianity
Sacks presents an articulate and impassioned argument . . . He is a fine exegete of the Hebrew Scriptures, and his belief in the common good is profound. - Reform
The strength of Morality does not reside in Jonathan Sacks's discussion of political and philosophical theorists, but in those passages in which he speaks to us as rabbi and community leader. - TLS
'Sacks argues convincingly that this pursuit of the common good has been disappearing from the West, and has left us impoverished and damaged.' - Jewish Renaissance
The inheritor of a tradition with a long historical memory of loss, exile, death and mourning, Sacks has things to say that speak more directly to our present condition than anything in recent liberal thinking. - New Statesman
An international religious leader, philosopher, award-winning author and respected moral voice, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks was awarded the prestigious Templeton Prize in 2016 in recognition of his work in affirming life's spiritual dimension. He was a frequent and respected contributor to radio, television and the press in Britain and around the world.
Rabbi Sacks served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth from 1991 until 2013 and has held a number of professorships at universities in Britain, the United States and Israel. He has authored over 30 books, including the Sunday Times bestseller Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence, The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning, and The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilisations. Lord Jonathan Sacks died in November 2020.