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  • Mitchell Beazley

The Wines of Greece

Konstantinos Lazarakis

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Prose: non-fiction, National & regional cuisine, Wines

* Part of the Mitchell Beazley ClassicWine Library series. * A high-level text on a rapidly expanding and developing wine-producing area. * Covers essential vineyard and winery statistics. * Features twelve detailed maps of Greece's winemaking areas. * Discusses recent developments and the future of Greek wines. * Includes a guide to reading Greek wine labels and choosing and buying the wines

This is the first indepth reference to the eleven official wine-producing regionsof Greece. In the last ten years, the Greek wine industry has grown its exportssignificantly while the wines increasingly win internationally recognizedawards. The unique historical aspects of Greece's wine industry - from its winelaws to vitalwine-production statistics focusing on continued wine developments- are covered in full. The book presents each region fromnorth to south,covering the vineyards,wines and wineries, and grape varieties,with indepthproducer profiles for each. There is also an overviewof viticultural andwinemaking techniques and a discussion on the future of Greek wines, plusa practical guide to reading Greek wine labels and buying Greek wine.Fifteenmaps detail the key winemaking areas.

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