11 year old Martine's African adventures begin in The White Giraffe and Dolphin Song, as she meets a magical white giraffe, rescues beached dolphins, and learns of an ancient prophecy that says the child who rides the white giraffe will have power over all the animals.
Martine is eleven when she goes to live on a game reserve in South Africa. One night she looks out of her window and sees a giraffe - silver, tinged with cinnamon in the moonlight. In that instant she knows that she is prepared to risk everything for it, and her thrilling adventures as the child who can ride the white giraffe begin.
Join Martine in these heart-warming stories, as she discovers her special gift of healing, and rescues beached dolphins in the islands of Mozambique.
These are books full of charm and atmosphere and stunning African landscapes, which will enchant animal lovers everywhere.
Lauren St John was born in Gatooma, Rhodesia, now Kadoma, Zimbabwe. At 11, she and her family moved to Rainbow's End farm and game reserve, the subject of her acclaimed memoir, and she grew up surrounded by animals, including eight horses, two warthogs and a pet giraffe. After nearly a decade as golf correspondent to The Sunday Times, followed by a sojourn in the US, riding the tour buses of alt. country stars like Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle and the Dixie Chicks, she wrote the bestselling 'White Giraffe' series. 'Dead Man's Cove', the first in her new mystery series about 11-year-old detective, Laura Marlin, won the 2011 Blue Peter Favourite Story and Book of the Year Awards.
Lauren's website is http://laurenstjohn.com/ and you can follow her on Twitter @laurenstjohn