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  • Hachette Australia
  • Hachette Australia

Queerstories: Reflections on lives well lived from some of Australia's finest LGBTQIA+ writers

Maeve Marsden

1 Reviews

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Of specific Gay & Lesbian interest, Collected biographies, True stories, Literary essays, Anthologies (non-poetry), Gay & Lesbian studies

There's more to being queer than coming out and getting married. This exciting and contemporary collection contains stories that are as diverse as the LGBTQIA+ community from which they're drawn.

From hilarious anecdotes of an awkward adolescence, to heartwarming stories of family acceptance and self-discovery, the LGBTQIA+ community has been sharing stories for centuries, creating their own histories, disrupting and reinventing conventional ideas about narrative, family, love and community.

Curated from the hugely popular Queerstories storytelling event this important collection features stories from Benjamin Law, Jen Cloher, Nayuka Gorrie, Peter Polites, Candy Royalle, Rebecca Shaw, Simon 'Pauline Pantsdown' Hunt, Steven Lindsay Ross, Amy Coopes, Paul van Reyk, Mama Alto, Liz Duck-Chong, Maxine Kauter, David Cunningham, Peter Taggart, Ben McLeay, Jax Jacki Brown, Ginger Valentine, Candy Bowers, Simon Copland, Kelly Azizi, Nic Holas, Quinn Eades, Vicki Melson, Tim Bishop and Maeve Marsden.

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Praise for Queerstories: Reflections on lives well lived from some of Australia's finest LGBTQIA+ writers

  • In a market where queer voices are often sanitised, Queerstories is political and pivotal...Queerstories is an invitation for the world to listen to the queer community at its rawest and, above all, it's a safe space for queer readers to come home to. - Books+Publishing

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Maeve Marsden

MAEVE MARSDEN is a writer, director, producer and performer. Her writing has appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, Guardian Australia, Junkee, SBS Online, ArtsHub and Daily Review, and she recently edited the ABC's Sydney Mardi Gras 40th Anniversary Magazine. Maeve produces, directs and performs in comedy, cabaret, live music and storytelling, enjoying critically acclaimed seasons at Sydney Festival, the Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Edinburgh Festival Fringe, among others. As a child of same-sex parents, Maeve is passionate about the rights of diverse families, and she writes and speaks on the issue often, appearing in ABC2 documentary Growing Up Gayby and consulting on feature documentary, Gayby Baby.

Maeve likes gin, dancing, cheese and TV melodramas with good ethics and bad dialogue.

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