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The 12-Minute Weight-Loss Plan: High intensity interval training + smart eating = fast, easy weight loss

Michael Spira

1 Reviews

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Prose: non-fiction, Fitness & diet

Dr Michael Spira is one of the UK's top obesity doctors and an expert in High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT or 'fast exercise'). Spira's book takes HIIT and combines it with a straightforward, easy-to-stick-to eating plan that shows readers how to lose weight with minimum of effort, all with just 12 minutes exercise a week.

THE 12-MINUTE-WEIGHT-LOSS PLAN takes High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and combines it with a straightforward, easy-to-stick-to eating plan that shows readers how it is possible to lose weight with a minimum of effort, no special equipment - not even a gym-membership - and with just 12 minutes exercise a week.

Sounds too good to be true? It works, and it is supported with the latest cutting-edge scientific research. No counting calories, no wholescale avoidance of carbs, no fasting. It's genuinely easy to stick to. Contents include:

- Why lengthy exercise routines aren't as effective as HIIT
- The remarkable story behind HIIT
- A simple HIIT programme to be followed three times a week
- A dietary plan, including a two-week 'orientation phase' followed by a 'continuation phase'
- The essence of the eating plan: smart carbs, smart fats, smart proteins.
- Menus and lots of quick and tasty recipes
- A review of the scientific research supporting the exercise programme

HIIT has been building slowly over the past few years with gym instructors and personal trainers quickly seeing the benefits for their clients. It is now coming into the mainstream. This new book is the first to promote HIIT for weight loss, combining an eating plan with exercises from an authority in the obesity field. This is weight loss and weight maintenance made easy.

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Praise for The 12-Minute Weight-Loss Plan: High intensity interval training + smart eating = fast, easy weight loss

  • This book is great for busy women as it shows you how to combine high intensity interval training (HIIT), involving just 12 minutes of exercise a week, with a healthy eating plan that's easy to stick to. - Bella magazine

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