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What do you hope young readers take away from The Isabelle Stories?

JG: First and foremost, I hope that young readers simply enjoy the stories – that they want to read on, and that they find Isabelle and her friend Harry’s world and their predicaments compelling and interesting. I also hope that readers find characters and situations they can relate to, and that they enjoy tackling a chapter book for perhaps the first or second time, and gain confidence in their reading as a result.


Why do you think it’s important for kids to read books with issues and adventures they can relate to?

JG: I don’t think that any one type of book is best for kids, but I know when I was a kid I loved reading about real kids living in the here and now, and perhaps even in a place I recognised or that felt familiar. Certainly when I was growing up, so much of what was offered to children were stories set in the northern hemisphere – usually the UK or USA. I loved those books, but I do remember the particular joy of reading stories set in Australia. It encouraged me to think that our place, our lives, are full of stories too, stories that are worth exploring and writing about.


What’s special for you about writing/illustrating for young people?

JG: Well I suppose it combines several of my passions: writing, language and words; working with children and encouraging them in their creativity; and the power of stories.


Is there a book that was especially meaningful for you growing up?

JG: There were many! Some of them are still around today. When I was Isabelle’s age, I loved the Ramona books by Beverley Cleary, and then 30 years later my own daughter loved them too. The stories, like Isabelle’s, are set in the real world, and Ramona felt like a real person to me, perhaps a friend. I could relate to a lot of her feelings and the way she understood the world. Ramona was such a strong character – I can still see her quite clearly all these years later! I hope people remember Isabelle years later too!



  • The Isabelle Stories: Izzy & Belle - Jane Godwin

    Four gentle stories in one volume, all about Isabelle and her world, its trials and triumphs, its small moments and big dramas.

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