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The Bed Sock Book Club took to the twitter polls to determine the cosiest, comfiest ways to snuggle up with a good YA book this winter. Check out the list below for all the best ways to get ready for a cosy reading night in.


Cosy Read Must Have: Blanket

Blankets are the superior cosy read must have largely because of their versatility. Use your snuggliest blanket to make a blanket fort, hide under it with a flashlight and read, or just turn yourself into a snuggly little blanket burrito for the perfect cosy reading sesh.


Cosy Read Location: Bed

Reading in bed comes with many problems – the best way sit or lie down in your bed so you can still read, arm cramps from holding your book up, trying not to fall asleep while reading… the list goes on. But none of that changes the fact that bed is one of the cosiest places to read – it is home to all the blankets after all!


Cosy Reading Playlist: Rain Sounds

There is something completely comforting about listening to the rain while reading, probably because rainy days are the best reading days. Plus, you don’t have to battle any lyrics in order to concentrate on the words on the page when listening to rain sounds. We recommend playing this Spotify playlist when reading to settle into the best cosy reading mood.


Dream Cosy Reading Sidekick: Doggo

Dogs are the best creatures on earth. These pure little bundles of fluff are the perfect snuggle buddies while reading. You might just have to share your blanket in exchange for the snuggles…


Dream Snuggle SO: Nina (Six of Crows)

Nina is a total badass, so of course we want her to be our dream snuggle SO – who else would protect us from people wanting to disturb us mid-book? Plus, she loves cake and waffles so would likely bring us lots of comfort food while we are reading.

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