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  • Hachette Australia
  • Hachette Australia

Kill the Tiger: The truth about Operation Rimau

Peter Thompson, Robert Macklin

2 Reviews

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Biography: historical, political & military, True war & combat stories, Prose: non-fiction, History, Australasian & Pacific history, 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000, Maritime history, Military history, Second World War

Australia's heroic and daring commando raid on Singapore.

In the last months of 1944, a group of elite Australian and British commandos was selected for the biggest Allied behind-the-scenes operation of the Pacific War. Their mission: to devastate the enemy's shipping by destroying the Japanese ships at anchor in Singapore Harbour.

Operation Rimau, Britain's last throw of the colonial dice in South-East Asia, was intended as a body blow to the Japanese and a signal to the world that she would reclaim her Eastern Empire. Britain was trying to reclaim past glory - while Australia's wartime prime minister, John Curtin, had turned to America. In this atmosphere, Operation Rimau was planned ...

Operation Rimau takes us inside the fierce conflict, and tells what really happened to these brave commandos - from the very beginnings of the operation through to their intense and courageous fighting in the South China Seas, and its aftermath. It exposes the sloppy planning behind the raid, and names the officers who betrayed and abandoned them in their hour of need, and details the political double-dealing which for so many years hid the real story behind red tape and bureaucratic lies.

Previously published as Kill the Tiger, new material has been added to this edition of Operation Rimau.

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Praise for Kill the Tiger: The truth about Operation Rimau

  • This is the truth about Operation Rimau. It is written in anger, and justifiably so. - Daily Telegraph

  • The shocking betrayals provide so much of the impact (of this story). - Canberra Times

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Peter Thompson

Peter Thompson is a London-based Australian writer and the author of a number of books, including Pacific Fury, Shanghai Fury and (with Robert Macklin) the author of The Big Fella: The Rise and Rise of BHP Billiton.

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