A collection of business quotes and advice from the most successful investor of the twentieth century, Warren Buffett
The 'Sage of Omaha', Warren Buffett, is well-known for his simple but invaluable principles regarding investing and finances, and countless businessmen and people looking to be smarter with their money have turned to Buffett for his advice. One of those people is Robert Bloch, son of the co-founder of the tax preparation company H&R Block. MY WARREN BUFFETT BIBLE contains nearly three hundred quotes that Bloch has personally found to be indispensable to financial success. With the written blessing of Buffett himself, Bloch has selected the best of Buffett, wisdom that will guide you to becoming the most disciplined and rational long-term investor you can be.
A shining, brilliant star of advice and insights from a genuinely great man, Warren E. Buffett. You cannot afford not to buy this book.
A must-read ... brings Warren Buffett's commonsense wisdom together in one book. I could not put it down!
This collection will give you a sense of the incredible judgment, disarming sense of humor, and commonsense perspectives behind one of the world's greatest investors.