The controversial, unexpurgated, and hilarious life story of the Russell Brand in his own words.
'My life is a series of embarrassing incidents strung together by telling people about those embarrassing incidents.
Russell Brand grew up in Essex. His father left when he was three months old, he was bulimic at 12, and left school at 16 to study at the Italia Conti stage school. There, he began drinking heavily and taking drugs. In 2003, he was told that he would be in prison, in a metal hospital or dead within six months unless he went in to rehab. He decided to get clean, and has since become an internationally successful stand-up comedian, TV host, radio broadcaster and columnist, and is also the patron of 'Focus 12', a charity helping people with alcohol and substance misuse.
Candid, funny and moving. - Sun
How in God's name did the publishers ever get him to sit down and write the bloody thing? Because make no mistake - unlike most celebrity biogs, My Booky Wook has definitely been written by Brand. - London Lite
Part funny, but part hugely disturbing... - Grazia
The most talented stand-up comedian to emerge in Britain this decade, Brand combines Eddie Izzard's rare ability to carry a whole crowd along on an audacious flight of comic fancy with the carnal magnetism of the young George Best. Audiences leave a Brand performance not just entertained but actively debauched by his catalogue of erotic misadventure. - Daily Telegraph
To his expanding CV can now be added a scandalous, libidinous memoir that is better written and more entertaining than any number of the celebrity autobiographies that clog the shelves of bookshops. - Observer
The Russell Brand of My Booky Wook is surprisingly approachable. The comedian's playful love of language is evident from his occasional lapse into obscure or archaic words, and sits well with his penchant for childishness. . . Inevitably, the main point of interest is Brand's addictions, drugs and sex, about which he writes with unexpected affability. - Herald
Hliarious, sometimes brilliant, and always indulgent. - Christopher Goodwin, Sunday Times