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  • Franklin Watts

EDGE: The Crew: Hot or Not?

Sam Carter, Dan Chernett

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Edge: The Crew, For National Curriculum Key Stage 1, For National Curriculum Key Stage 2, Interest age: from c 6 years, For reluctant readers (children), Fiction, Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage), Short stories (Children's / Teenage)

Action-packed adventure series following the characters of The Crew: Sam, Harvey, Jade, Amber, Ravi and Lewis

Is Amber hot or not

Amber loves football. She's the Crew's star player. She also likes Kai -- and wants him to ask her out. But Kai isn't into sporty girls, so Jade comes up with a plan.

This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children want to read, and books children can read.

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