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Samuel R. Delany

1 Reviews

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S.F. Masterworks, Fiction, Science fiction

One of the absolute must-have top ten SF books of all time with an awesome new cover treatment.

In the far future, after human civilisation has spread through the galaxy, communications begin to arrive in an apparently alien language.

They appear to threaten invasion, but in order to counter the threat, the messages must first be understood.

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Praise for Babel-17

  • The first of a remarkable series of vital and stunning masterpieces, a dazzlingly realised star-spanning epic populated with truly mysterious aliens and humans entirely believable yet gorgeously strange. After this, the future was never the same again. - Paul McAuley.

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Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany (1942 - )
Samuel Ray 'Chip' Delany, Jr was born in Harlem in 1942, and published his first novel at the age of just 20. As author, critic and academic, his influence on the modern genre has been profound and he remains one of science fiction's most important and discussed writers. He has won the Hugo Award twice and the Nebula Award four times, including consecutive wins for Babel-17 and The Einstein Intersection. Since January 2001 he has been a professor of English and Creative Writing at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he is Director of the Graduate Creative Writing Program.

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