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  • Hachette Australia
  • Hachette Australia

Low Carb Healthy Fat Nutrition

Steph Lowe

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Dietetics & nutrition, Fitness & diet, Lifestyle, sport & leisure, Cooking, Health & wholefood cookery, Cookery for specific diets & conditions

All you need to know about looking and feeling great by following a LOW CARB HEALTHY FAT diet from The Natural Nutritionist.

Low Carb, Healthy Fat Nutrition is not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

This book is your guide to supercharging your metabolism, supporting your health, performance and recovery goals and extending your longevity. Alongside over 150 recipes you'll find the latest research into why eating real food is essential - and tailored 14-day eating plans to suit your personal goals and needs.

Let Steph Lowe, The Natural Nutritionist, show you how to perform and feel your best by eating the way nature intended us to.

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Steph Lowe

Steph Lowe is a sports nutritionist, yogi and founder of The Natural Nutritionist, a hub for celebrating the importance of real food, and author of The Real Food Athlete.

With a passion for spreading a positive message about real food and the incredible affect it has on performance, Steph is on a mission to inspire others to make health a priority in their lives. Her extensive nutritional experience spans from elite athletes, to schools, and corporations, where she has educated people about the importance of real food for productivity and performance.

Steph is also the resident Nutritionist for Melrose Health and is launching a 12-week online program, LCHF Endurance, in 2018.

To book a consultation with Steph or to find out more about The Natural Nutritionist,

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