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Love, or Nearest Offer

Adele Geras

4 Reviews

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Fiction, Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

Warm, engaging, contemporary fiction about a woman who's so busy organising others' lives and loves, she neglects her own.

What if your estate agent could find you not just your perfect house, but your perfect job, your perfect partner... your perfect new life? Meet Iris Atkins.

On paper, Iris is an estate agent, but she's not just good at finding suitable houses for her clients. In fact, she has a gift: Iris is able to see into their lives and understand exactly what is missing and what they need - not just in bricks-and-mortar terms either.

Of course, concentrating so much on fixing other people's problems doesn't leave much time for examining your own. Over the course of one whirlwind year Iris discovers that while she may know what's best for everyone else, she doesn't necessarily know what's best for herself - and what she finds out could make her happier than she'd ever dreamed.

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Praise for Love, or Nearest Offer

  • Houses, great characters and love - a perfect combination resulting in a hugely enjoyable book

  • Startling twists [lead to a] gut-wrenching reveal . . . Adele is a writer's writer - The Book Bag (on Cover Your Eyes)

  • An intriguing story of guilt and responsibility . . . effective and eminently readable - We Love This Book (on Cover Your Eyes)

  • Adele Geras is a writer of great compassion, and this novel is touching, perceptive, and ultimately uplifting - Shiny New Books (on Cover Your Eyes)

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Adele Geras

AdA le Geras is the author of many acclaimed stories for children as well as five adult novels, including: Facing the Light, Hester's Story, Made in Heaven and A Hidden Life (all available in ebook from Quercus), Cover Your Eyes (available in print from Quercus) and Out of the Dark, a special short story for the literary charity Quick Reads. AdA le lives near Cambridge and is the mother of the thriller writer Sophie Hannah.

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