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  • Orion Children's Books

Ganging Up

Alan Gibbons

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Fiction, Age groups: children, Children's Fiction, Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage), Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abu

Football, bullying, friendships and rivalries are all part of the survival game for these two boys.

John and Gerry have always been friends, brought together by their passion for football. Then Gerry's dad loses his job and everything turns sour. The two boys had always steered clear of the gangs at school, but Gerry gets drawn in and now he and John find themselves standing on opposite sides.

Set in a tough inner city Liverpool estate, this story is about friendships, rivalries and survival played out at school and on the football fields.

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Alan Gibbons

Alan Gibbons is a full-time writer and a visiting speaker and lecturer at schools, colleges and literary events nationwide, including the major book festivals: Edinburgh, Northern Children's Book Festival, Swansea, Cheltenham, Sheffield and Salford. Alan is a key supporter of a high-profile, nationwide campaign to champion libraries and librarianship and to reevaluate government commitment to educational spending. He lives in Liverpool with his wife and four children. Alan is an honorary CILIP member.

Visit Alan's website at, read his blog at, follow him on Twitter @mygibbo, Facebook and Flickr

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