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  • Jacaranda Books
  • Jacaranda Books

Breaking the Maafa Chain

Anni Domingo

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English, Historical fiction, Slavery & abolition of slavery, Sociology: family & relationships

Salimatu and her sister Fatmata are captured, sold to slavers, renamed and split apart. Now Sarah and Faith, will these once inseparable sisters survive the traumas of their enslavement without each other? Or are the burdens of the wicked systems of slavery too much for their young hearts to bear?

Breaking the Maafa Chain chronicles two sisters' struggle for true freedom in the mid-nineteenth century, when transporting slaves from Africa to America was an illegal but lucrative business.

Nineteenth century-Two sisters, Fatmata and Salimatu, are captured and sold separately into slavery. Forced to change their names to Faith and Sarah, they end up in two different countries with opposite slavery laws. Faith ends up in America, where slavery is still legal and slaves don't have any rights. Sarah ends up in a Victorian England and as the goddaughter of Queen Victoria. Can the two sisters reclaim their freedom and identity in a world that is trying to break them down and mold them to its coloniser's will?

Based on the true story of Sarah Forbes Bonetta, Breaking the Maafa Chain will takes the readers on a journey of loss, survival, hope, identity and tradition.

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