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  • Running Press Kids

Just Like My Family

Ashley Molesso, Chess Needham

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Of specific Gay & Lesbian interest, General fiction (Children's / Teenage), Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage), Personal & social issues (Children's / Teenage), Personal & social issues: family issues (Children', Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-es

A joyful picture book celebrating inclusive families and breaking gender stereotypes by queer stationery company Ash + Chess, creators of Queer Tarot and ABC-Deconstructing Gender.

Celebrate all types of families in this inclusive picture book that breaks down gender stereotypes while offering aspirational messages to young readers.

Whether a child wears pearls just like their daddy, grills with their mommy, braids hair like their baba, bakes yummy treats with their grandpa, sashays like their zaza, dresses up like their bibi, or decorates their room like their brothers, all families love spending time together! Delight in all that makes a family unique and special-including what makes you you-in this empowering and affirming picture book by the author-illustrator team and queer stationery company, Ash + Chess. BONUS: includes one sheet of vibrant, colourful, celebratory stickers!

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