Powerful protection for uncertain times.
Do you wish you could feel safer and more positive in your daily life? Are you put-upon by others? Do you worry constantly about dangers that may be lurking around the corner? Most people live in a state of insecurity and negativity without even realising it. THE PSYCHIC PROTECTION HANDBOOK addresses the kinds of psychic or soul disruption that are commonly encountered. It explains how we can become spiritually streetwise and guard our souls against such unpleasant outside disturbance with simple and commonsense strategies. Caitlin Matthews' practical rituals and wise advice will help you to strengthen your self esteem and build your confidence, so that you cease to be affected by psychic disturbance.
CaitlA n and John Matthews are the co-authors of the Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom and Encyclopedia of Celtic Myth and Legend. CaitlA n is acknowledged as a world authority on Celtic wisdom and the ancestral traditions of Britain, while John has produced nearly 100 books on Arthurian legend. They live in Oxford.