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An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Backyard Ducks: Breeds, Feeding, Housing and Care, Eggs and Meat

Gail Damerow

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Animal husbandry, Wildlife: birds & birdwatching

Move over chickens--ducks are joining the backyard flock! This introductory guide is the provides all the information beginners need to raise ducks successfully in the yard or on a small homestead or farm.

This inspiring introductory guide provides all the information beginners need to raise ducks successfully in the yard or on a small homestead or farm. Ducks are quickly gaining on chickens as popular animals for the backyard homestead or small farm. They are friendly, productive, good at eating pests, remarkably healthy, and easier to raise than chickens in many ways. Plus, they are exceptionally adorable! This accessible introductory guide features original photography tracking the growth and care of a small flock of backyard ducks, and addresses everything the beginner duck keeper needs to know to be successful, including breed selection, housing, feeding, health care, understanding behavior, and egg and meat production.

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