World-renowned medium finally reveals the secrets of his childhood - the extreme violence and sexual abuse that led to his discovery of his unique, scientifically-authenticated gift.
The Best of Both Worlds is the true story of how childhood misery and trauma helped Gordon Smith discover a gift that has helped many people throughout the world. He has helped those who are in mourning come to terms with death and bereavement by working as a medium to put people in touch with their loved ones who have passed over.
Gordon held off telling the story of his discovery of spiritual powers, as he believed his mother would have hated people knowing the poverty they came from or the abuse that her son suffered. After her death, Gordon decided it was time to tell his incredible story from humble beginnings all the way to becoming an internationally praised medium working for some of the most famous and powerful people in the world.
His previous volume of memoirs Spirit Messenger was a massive bestseller but only now is he able to tell the unvarnished astonishing truth.
This is a truly honest is so 'real' full of hard knocks, vibrant, warm, funny yet full of gritty determined people...It is a great read if you are a developing medium, a spiritual person, a sensitive or even if you are a lover of social history. There is something within this book for everyone. With trust, faith and love you can achieve anything. - Silent Voices Magazine
Praise for Gordon Smith - :
There is nothing ambiguous about the message that Gordon conveys. - Daily Mail
Gordon Smith provides exact names, addresses, events and descriptions sharply relevant to a person's life and the lives of those they have known. - Professor Archie E. Roy, Emeritus Professor of Astronomy, Glasgow University
There's no doubt for me that he's the real deal. His accuracy had the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. - Woman's Own
It's impossible not to warm to Gordon Smith. He is one of the country's most successful mediums. - Daily Express
Amazing. - Time Out
Medium to the stars - Daily Mirror
Gordon Smith is a world-renowned medium, who travels the world offering his unique abilities to thousands of people in need. Gordon never charges for his spiritual readings. He has written numerous spiritual bestsellers about his work and now runs mediumship workshops and events across the globe. For more information, or follow Gordon on Facebook at or on twitter @GSMedium