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  • Constable

The Legacy Playbook: A Practical Guide

James Kerr

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Business & management, Self-help & personal development

Legacy: 15 Lessons in Leadership has become much more than a book about a sports team - it's become a leadership bible. Legacy shows readers what a true high-performance culture change looks like and why it matters. Now it is time for the how. The Legacy Playbook is a practical manual for creating positive change.

The ideas at the heart of Legacy: 15 Lessons in Leadership have taken on a life of their own. It's become much more than a book about a sports team - it's become a leadership bible.

Legacy shows readers what a true high-performance culture change looks like and why it matters. Now it is time for the how.

How do I reboot my culture? In my organisation, my team, my life?
How do I start? What steps do I need to take? What's the right process? What is the right psychological approach? What are the key principles?
How do I make it work? What tools do I require? What models are proven to work?
How do I - personally - create change? What kind of leader do I need to be?
How do I change? What does it take to leave a legacy of which I can be proud?

The Legacy Playbook
will be a practical manual for creating positive and long-lasting change. A companion piece to Legacy, and a logical follow-up purchase, this book will neatly synthesise the practical steps leaders can take to create a lasting legacy.

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