A complete list of dreams and their meaning with magical dream alchemy practices to transform your life.
Your dreams contain wisdom and insight about your waking life that's why they are so important. Using Dream Alchemy you can discover the meaning of your dreams and nightmares and then apply the dream alchemy practices to create positive life change. Included is information about how to:
* Stop uncomfortable recurring dreams
* Identify emotional obstacles and release them
* Create more fulfilling relationships
* Discover your talents and life purpose
* Heal the past
* Work with the emotions and feelings in your dreams
* Transform fearful dreams into loving visions
* Tap into your creative source
* Identify your spiritual lessons and move forward
* Use your dreams to strike personal and spiritual gold
* Design your own dream alchemy practices.
Jane Teresa Anderson is the author of several books on dreams and dreaming. She has presented Dream Talk Back for various ABC radio stations since 1992. Her Dream Network website www.dream.net.au hosts an active online community of dreamers from all over the world.
Jane Teresa Anderson BSc (Hons) is a dream analyst, dream therapist, writer and mentor, consulting, training and mentoring worldwide through JaneTeresa.com She is the author of six books, a frequent guest on national television, and an accomplished international radio dream talkback guest, contributing to hundreds of shows across all demographics. Jane Teresa also hosts a podcast series, THE DREAM SHOW, where she analyses guests' dreams and shares dream interpretations and insights. THE DREAM SHOW will reach episode 200 in February 2018.