Dese la oportunidad y equipese con recursos que le ayuden a vivir una vida plena y fructifera a cualquier edad con la reconocida maestra de la Biblia y autora numero 1 del New York Times, Joyce Meyer.
Todo es hermoso en su tiempo. La vida es un viaje a traves de estaciones hermosas y variadas, con una cadencia dinamica y llena de continuos descubrimientos. Abrace cada estacion de su vida y aprenda a vivirla plenamente con la gracia y la ayuda de Joyce Meyer. En esta lectura, ella le ensena:
Como echar sobre el Senor todas sus ansiedades incluso de toda la vidaComo vivir de manera dinamica, aprovechando y deleitandose en el viajeComo abrazar la gracia de Dios para esta temporadaComo vivir abundantemente a medida que su cuerpo y su mente cambian
El tiempo de Dios siempre es perfecto, y hay un proposito distinto y significativo para esta temporada de su vida. Joyce dice: "Solo un tonto piensa que siempre puede hacer lo que siempre ha hecho". Como envejecer sin avejentarse nos prepara para ser lo suficientemente sabios como para aceptar la gracia transformadora de Dios y la evolucion de nuestro llamado a la proxima temporada de la vida.
Everything is beautiful in its time. Life is a journey through beautiful and varied seasons, with a dynamic cadence and full of continued discovery. Embrace each season of your life and learn to live into it fully with grace and help from Joyce Meyer, as she shows you:
How to truly cast even your lifelong cares upon the LordHow to live dynamically, embracing and delighting in the journeyHow to embrace God's grace for this seasonHow to live abundantly as your body and mind change
God's timing is always perfect, and there is a distinct and meaningful purpose for this season of your life. Joyce says, "Only a fool thinks they can always do what they have always done." How to Age Without Getting Old equips us to become wise enough to embrace God's changing grace and the evolution of our calling to the next season of life.
Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the world's leading Bible teachers. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, she teaches practically and candidly, openly sharing her experiences and helping millions of people to apply biblical principles to their situations and ultimately find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Her book Battlefield of the Mind has been a perennial bestseller, teaching people how to win the war in their minds and "think about what they think about." Joyce holds conferences across the United States and around the world, and her Enjoying Everyday Life program is broadcast on TV, radio and online to millions in over 100 languages.
She has also authored over 135 books, which have been translated into over 160 combined languages. Joyce's passion to help hurting people is the foundation of Hand of Hope, the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries, which provides humanitarian relief through its hundreds of global outreaches.