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The Little Book of Crystals: Crystals to attract love, wellbeing and spiritual harmony into your life

Judy Hall

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Mbs Little book of..., Prose: non-fiction, Spiritualism, Complementary therapies, healing & health, Crystals & colour-healing

Discover how crystals can enrich your life with THE LITTLE BOOK OF CRYSTALS - from bestselling author and crystal expert Judy Hall.

Discover the power of crystals to change your life with this insightful Little Book from crystal expert Judy Hall.

This enchanting little guide contains everything you need to enhance your life using crystals. Focusing on 15 key crystals, each recommended to complement a particular area of your life, Judy Hall provides essential information on how to choose, use, cleanse and programme your chosen stone.

Whether it's Rose Quartz to improve your relationships, Goldstone to bring you wealth or Selenite to strengthen your spiritual practice, this crystal toolbox contains all you need to harness the power of crystals. Each crystal will help towards a particular problem, whether it is a physical ailment or an emotional issue, so you can choose crystals that are relevant to promoting your own health and wellbeing.

Crystal History
Crystal Power
Crystal Attributes
Choosing your Crystal
Cleansing your Crystal
Programming your Crystal
Using your Crystal
Crystal Essences

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Judy Hall

Judy Hall was an internationally known author, astrologer, crystal expert, psychic and healer. A leading authority on spiritual development, Judy had more than 45 years of experience in karmic astrology, crystal healing and past-life therapy. She was the author of over 45 books and her writing has been translated into 16 languages.

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