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  • Constable

Numbers Are Forever

Liz Strachan

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Prose: non-fiction, Mathematics

This book is only about numbers - that is, whole numbers and nothing but the whole numbers, which start from from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... and go on forever. Here you can meet perfect numbers, happy numbers, lucky, untouchable, weird, narcissistic, evil and deficient numbers, not to mention nice Friedmans and multi-legged repunits, as well as primes and their cousins, the sexy primes. It is also full of fascinating facts and curios, prime number conjectures, the sieve of Eratosthenes, the Fibonacci series, and much more besides. This is an accessible, clearly explained approach which will appeal to recreational maths enthusiasts, puzzle solvers, and mathematicians of all ages.

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Liz Strachan

Liz Strachan taught mathematics for 36 years in her home town of Montrose, Scotland. She has had over a hundred articles and short stories published and won a scholarship from the Scottish Association of Writers in 2008.

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