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  • Hachette Australia
  • Hachette Australia
  • Hachette Australia

Everyday Enlightenment: Why you don't have to become a monk for meditation to change your life

Luke McLeod

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Popular psychology, Mind, Body, Spirit, Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice, Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation

Peace. Calm. Mindfulness. Enlightenment.

These are appealing concepts, but they never seem like they're within grasp of the everyday person. With all our responsibilities in life, most of us are doing our best just to keep up, let alone have time to find that elusive 'inner calm'.

Luke McLeod knows all about this. He's an everyday person. He's a son, a husband and a friend, trying to find some balance in his everyday life just like everyone else.

There is one thing, though, he knows for sure has improved his quality of life every single day.


Luke used to believe meditation wasn't for him but has now become one of Australia's leading meditation experts helping thousands of 'everyday' people, just like himself, enjoy meditation in an easy, down-to-earth way.

Everyday Enlightenment contains encouragement, support, guidance, advice and short meditations to help you start, enjoy and embrace your meditation journey. Let Luke help you find some of that inner peace and calmness without having to move to the mountains and become a monk. Let him show you how the secret to living an enlightened life is hidden within the ordinary and the everyday - it will be one of the best things you ever do.

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