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  • BIS

Thinking in Services: Encoding and Expressing Strategy through Design

Majid Iqbal

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Industry & industrial studies, Distributive industries, Service industries

Services are such integral parts of the daily life of individuals and organisations that a day without paying for or providing them is inconceivable. They come in so many different shapes and sizes , we have difficulty defining them let alone designing them properly. So what?

The universe of services is expanding faster than ever, and along with it new modes of failure arise, exposing us to unexpected costs and risks. Even the simplest of services are dynamic and complex in the way supply meets demand to fulfill a promise. Therefore, when they fail to meet expectations despite the human-centeredness of their design, we are surprised. That s often because their design is superficial.

This book is about having new eyes and new perspectives for understanding and exploring the universe of services with a certain kind of curiosity and imagination. By grasping their realities, and deepening our understanding of what services really are, what they could be, and why they even exist, we can broaden the possibilities in their design.

With drawings, symbols and one extraordinary word, this book introduces the basis of a design language for services. Anyone can learn this language, with a little bit of curiosity, imagination, and quiet time. You do not need a degree in economics, biology, or computer science.

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