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Start reading exclusive content from The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book, as well as an exclusive introduction from Clare Bailey.

Introduction from Clare Bailey

The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book follows on from my husband Michael Mosley’s recent Fast 800 Keto book, where he lays out the rationale for combining Keto with intermittent fasting. Studies, including one I recently did with Oxford University, show this leads to rapid and sustainable weight loss.

My companion recipe book provides lots of gorgeous looking, but simple, affordable and tasty recipes which are based on a low-carb Mediterranean way of eating.  The recipes are created and tested to ensure you get plenty of vitamins, minerals, and protein but keep starchy carbs and sugars down to a minimum. This helps you achieve healthy ketosis, where your body is burning fat instead of sugar. And it's not all about counting calories – we encourage people to eat leafy green and non-starchy veg, add a small dressing to a salad and add protein top-ups such as nuts, chicken pieces, seeds or halloumi, all without counting.  

So many patients and readers have told me that they are surprised that they no longer feel hungry on this diet, and they have more energy and mental clarity too. But the proof is in the pudding - they lose the weight and keep it off. And when it comes to puddings, cakes and biscuits, we have plenty of low carb scrumptious treats in the book too!  

Will I feel hungry all the time?

For the first few days you are likely to feel hungry, but most people find that this settles as their metabolism resets and they go into ketosis. This is when keto strips can be particularly helpful. Seeing them change colour is incredibly motivating and will help keep you going as you get underway.

How many meals can I eat a day?

Some people like to stick to three meals a day, while others find it easier to control their calories on two – try both and see what works best for you. However, we don’t recommend splitting your daily calories across more than three meals – you need to give your body time to go into fat-burning mode. Nor do we suggest one meal a day, particularly if it’s close to bedtime, as your body is more likely to treat it as a feast and store more fat.

Can I do the plan with meal replacement shakes?

Eating real food is generally best, but if you have limited healthy food at hand or when you’re out, then good-quality shakes are a great alternative. As well as convenience, they give you the protein and nutrients you need and leave you feeling satisfyingly full. Do choose carefully as many shakes are full of sugars and contain inadequate amounts of protein.

Does the plan work for vegetarians? And vegans?

There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do the Fast 800 Keto if you’re a pescatarian (no meat, only fish) or a vegetarian. In fact, we’ve included lots of lovely fish-based and vegetarian recipes in this book, plus a vegetarian meal planner to get you started. If you are vegan, you will have to be clever in your protein choices, as many ‘fake meat’ products come with hidden carbohydrates which would take you out of ketosis. Even wholesome vegetable sources of protein, such as legumes and pulses, have quite a high carbohydrate content. Focus on high-protein foods, such as tofu, tempeh, edamame beans and seitan. Adding a big spoonful of nutritional yeast to soups and sauces can help, too.

With protein being so key to success, it helps to add protein powder or good quality meal replacement shakes, which are also available at

Because protein is so important, We also suggest vegans allow themselves to go over 1000 calories, if necessary.  You will still lose weight, just not quite as fast, and you may not go into ketosis. But that is OK.

Can I exercise on a fasting day?

If you are already doing exercise and feel comfortable sticking with it on a fasting day, carry on with your current regime. But don’t start a new, heavy programme or do endurance exercise on a fasting day. A brisk walk is always a good idea, whatever your level of fitness.

Should I tell my health professional that I’m doing the diet?

It is always sensible to keep your health professional informed about a major change to your diet, particularly if you have a medical condition and/or are on medication.

Can I use the plan to target weight loss from certain parts of my body?

You can’t ‘target’ specific areas, but studies show the Fast 800 approach is particularly good at rapidly reducing the fat that is stored in and around your middle (which tends to be the dangerous fat associated with other metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure) and around the neck.

If you are a woman and slim on top and around the middle, but have a build-up of fat on your bottom, thighs or upper arms which you struggle to lose (i.e. which is ‘diet resistant’), then you may have lipoedema, which is the result of genetics and hormones.

Should I take a multivitamin?

Our recipes are carefully balanced to include all the nutrients you need, but on a low-calorie diet it is not always easy to combine your meals for maximum nutritional variety, so we recommend taking a good-quality multivitamin on your 800-calorie days as a backup.

Can I have a drink?

It’s best to cut out alcohol completely during Stage 1 and to just have the odd drink at weekends during Stage 2. Alcohol is extremely calorific – a single glass of wine can contain between 200 and 300 calories and ends up stored in the liver as fat, causing inflammation. It also weakens your willpower, so you’re better off without it!

Is it expensive?

We have done our best to ensure that the food in our recipes is practical and affordable. You will see that we encourage the use of jarred, canned and frozen ingredients wherever possible, and we offer alternatives where suitable.

  • The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book - Clare Bailey, Dr Michael Mosley

    Following Dr Michael Mosley's bestselling Fast 800 Keto, this companion cookbook by Dr Clare Bailey offers delicious low-carb Mediterranean-style recipes to help you go into ketosis, reduce your appetite and accelerate weight loss.

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