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  • MacLehose Press
  • Maclehose Press

Between the Wars: 1919 1939

Philip Ziegler

7 Reviews

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Prose: non-fiction, General & world history, European history, 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000, First World War

Renowned biographer and historian Philip Ziegler tackles the great cultural and social events, flashpoints and diplomatic wrangles that led the world from the First to the Second World War.

At the end of 1918 one prescient American historian began to write a history of the Great War. "What will you call it?" he was asked. "The First World War," was his bleak response.

In BETWEEN THE WARS Philip Ziegler examines the major international turning points - cultural and social as well as political and military - that led the world from one war to another. His approach is panoramic, touching on all parts of the world where history was being made, examining Gandhi's March to the Sea and the Chaco War in South America alongside Hitler's rise to power.

It is the tragic story of a world determined that the horrors of the First World War would never be repeated, yet committed to a path which in hindsight was inevitably destined to end in a second, even more devastating conflict.

Each chapter bears the unmistakable stamp of Ziegler's scholarship: a keen eye for the telling anecdote, elegant and fluid prose, and calm and fair judgments. In a world that grows ever more uncertain, its perspective on how hopes of peace can dissolve into the promise of war becomes more relevant with each passing day.

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Praise for Between the Wars: 1919 1939

  • A fascinating, panoramic overview . . . In prose of crystalline elegance, Ziegler travels chronologically across countries and continents, discussing global events that range from the complex arguments for Home Rule in Ireland in 1921 to the fascist takeover of Madrid in 1939. - Spectator.

  • Very rewarding, well-written, succinct and full of intelligent judgements. - Hugh Thomas

  • Ziegler is an elegant, unfailingly lucid writer - Simon Callow

  • One of the most experienced and versatile biographers of his generation. - Observer.

  • Ziegler writes with urbanity and wit but is unflinching in his judgments. - Times Literary Supplement.

  • A skillful historian. - Kirkus Reviews.

  • Fascinating. - on The Black Death.

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Philip Ziegler

Philip Ziegler is one of Britain's best-known and most elegant writers. The author of such classics as Mountbatten and The Black Death, his work is universally praised. Educated at Eton and Oxford, he joined the Diplomatic Service and served in Vientiane, Paris, Pretoria and Bogota before resigning to join the publishers William Collins, where he was editorial director for fifteen years. The Duchess of Dino was his first book.

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