A 2 hour read to change your relationships!
THE SIXTY MINUTE FATHER sets goals to help every father ensure that he doesn't miss out on the greatest opportunity of his life. His advice includes: Put dates in your diary that are important for your children; talk to your baby as if she understands every word; if you have to be away write your children a letter; tell them how you spend your day.
THE SIXTY MINUTE MARRAIGE presents an action plan to revolutionise every relationship. Includes: Are affairs good for a marriage? - How to argue - effectively - Why many men say, 'My wife's not interested in sex' - Why cutting your credit card in half can save your marriage - How a divorce will affect your children.
This bundle is what every father and mother will want to read!
Rob Parsons is the bestselling author of THE SIXTY MINUTE GRANDPARENT, TEENAGERS! and THE SIXTY MINUTE FATHER. He speaks internationally on family issues and is the Executive Chairman of Care for the Family, a charity committed to strengthening family life and helping others who are hurting due to family breakdown.
Care for the Family, launched by Rob in 1988, is a registered charity and its work is motivated by Christian compassion. The resources and support it provides are available to everyone, of any faith or none.
Rob lives in Cardiff with his wife Dianne. They have two adult children and four grandchildren.