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  • Hodder Faith
  • Hodder Faith

In Pursuit of His Wisdom

R.T. Kendall, R T Kendall Ministries Inc.

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Prose: non-fiction, Christianity, Biblical studies & exegesis, Christian life & practice

Wisdom is prized in the Bible as being the one thing we should seek above all others. But what is it, and how do we get it?

We all want to live a good life - but how do we go about doing so? Much-loved author R. T. Kendall urges us to take the Bible at its word when it encourages us to get wisdom - and live by it. In this wise and practical book, R. T. encourages us that not only is God's opinion - his wisdom - on offer, God actually desires us to have it.

'Wisdom is supreme - the greatest good we can seek, the most noble virtue there is, the greatest gift that is on offer and the highest plateau for living that is available in this present world.'

Join R. T. on the journey of a lifetime as he shows us the beauty of a life lived with God, secure in knowing the next step forward.

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R.T. Kendall

Dr R. T. Kendall is a Christian writer, speaker and teacher who was Minister of Westminster Chapel in London for twenty-five years.

He has written many bestselling books including TOTAL FORGIVENESS, TOTALLY FORGIVING OURSELVES and OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE.

He is currently president of R.T. Kendall Ministries.

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