Best friends means forever, no matter what. Right An engrossing summer read from a leading author in intelligent chick lit for teens.
Quiet Halley and popular Scarlett have been friends for years, balancing each other perfectly - until the summer of their 16th birthdays. Scarlett's boyfriend is killed in a motorbike accident, just before she discovers she is carrying his baby. Now, for the first time, Scarlett really needs Halley at the same time as Halley needs her. Halley is caught up in the spell of first love, and the pressure to lose her virginity...Each with their own problems, can this friendship survive the strain of support that both Halley and Scarlett expect from each other
Without preaching or posturing, Dessen has written a powerful, polished story. - School Library Journal
Sarah Dessen has a perfect ear for the details of a teenager's life. - Booklist
Sarah Dessen is in her early 30s. She graduated from the University of North Carolina with highest honours in creative writing, and she now teaches there. She has written five books to date, published by Viking in the US. Her books have all been chosen as ALA Best Books for Young Adults.