In the tenth tale of the Nightside, Walker - the powerful Voice of the Authorities who run the Nightside - is dying, and he wants private detective John Taylor to be his successor. Trouble is, Taylor doesn't want the job. At all.
The Voice of the Nightside is dying, but he won't let a small thing like death stop him from making private eye John Taylor's life difficult . . .
For once, Taylor has been hired for a simple task - all he has to do is to escort an elf across the Nightside. Well, it would be simple, if Walker, the powerful, never-to-be-trusted Voice of the Authorities, wasn't determined to interfere.
It soon becomes clear that surviving the journey is going to be the least of John Taylor's worries: Walker is dying and he wants Taylor to be his successor. He's the obvious choice, the one man all the inhabitants of the Nightside know - and fear. The problem is, Taylor doesn't want the job. It comes with more trouble and enemies than he's willing to deal with. But Walker is set on his choice, and he'll go to great lengths to get his way . . .
The Good, the Bad and the Uncanny is the tenth title in the New York Times bestselling Nightside series by Simon R. Green.
Simon R. Green was born in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, where he now lives after some years in Leicester studying for his MA in Modern English and American Literature; he also studied history and has a combined Humanities degree. After years of rejections, he sold seven novels at once, just two days after he started working at Bilbo's Bookshop in Bath, after three and a half years of unemployment. The following year, he hit the Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller lists with the novelisation of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, which has sold more than 370,000 copies, and continues to sell. His bestselling novels span fantasy, space opera and horror, and include the Deathstalker, Nightside, Ghost Finders, Secret History and Hawk and Fisher series. He is currently working on a new Deathstalker novel.